Applications of a vacuum-actuated multi-material hybrid soft gripper: lessons learnt from RoboSoft manipulation challenge


Saikrishna Dontu, Kanhere, Elgar , Stalin, Thileepan , Dharmawan, Audelia Gumarus, Hegde, Chidanand , Su, Jiangtao , Chen, Xiaodong , Magdassi, Shlomo , Soh, Gim Song, and Alvarado, Pablo Valdivia Y. 5/28/2024. “Applications Of A Vacuum-Actuated Multi-Material Hybrid Soft Gripper: Lessons Learnt From Robosoft Manipulation Challenge”. Frontiers In Robotics And Ai, 11, Pp. 1356692.


Soft grippers are garnering increasing attention for their adeptness in conforming to diverse objects, particularly delicate items, without warranting precise force control. This attribute proves especially beneficial in unstructured environments and dynamic tasks such as food handling. Human hands, owing to their elevated dexterity and precise motor control, exhibit the ability to delicately manipulate complex food items, such as small or fragile objects, by dynamically adjusting their grasping configurations. Furthermore, with their rich sensory receptors and hand-eye coordination that provide valuable information involving the texture and form factor, real-time adjustments to avoid damage or spill during food handling appear seamless. Despite numerous endeavors to replicate these capabilities through robotic solutions involving soft grippers, matching human performance remains a formidable engineering challenge. Robotic competitions serve as an invaluable platform for pushing the boundaries of manipulation capabilities, simultaneously offering insights into the adoption of these solutions across diverse domains, including food handling. Serving as a proxy for the future transition of robotic solutions from the laboratory to the market, these competitions simulate real-world challenges. Since 2021, our research group has actively participated in RoboSoft competitions, securing victories in the Manipulation track in 2022 and 2023. Our success was propelled by the utilization of a modified iteration of our Retractable Nails Soft Gripper (RNSG), tailored to meet the specific requirements of each task. The integration of sensors and collaborative manipulators further enhanced the gripper’s performance, facilitating the seamless execution of complex grasping tasks associated with food handling. This article encapsulates the experiential insights gained during the application of our highly versatile soft gripper in these competition environments.