Dr. Alexander Kamyshny


Dr. Alexander Kamyshny is a senior researcher of Applied Chemistry at the Casali Center for Applied Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

His scientific expertise: colloidal systems, formation and stabilization of organic and inorganic nanoparticles, functional nanomaterials, conductive coatings; 2D and 3D printing, printed electronics.

Dr. Kamyshny has authorized more that 90 publications, 12 book chapters and 11 patents. His h-index is 31 (according to Google Scholar).

He is a member of various international scientific societies. In addition to the fundamental research, he performed a number of industrial R&D projects.





  1. A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1972) Adsorption of lipids on carbon black. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 13: 275-277.
  2. M.A.Dubrova, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1972) Adsorption of cytochrome c. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 13: 466-468.
  3. A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1973) Peroxidase activity of cytochrome c in aqueous solution and adsorption layers. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 14: 142-145.
  4. A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1973) Peroxidase activity of cytochrome c in aqueous solution and in adsorption layers. Russian J. Phys. Chem. 47: 499-502 (English issue, published by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK).
  5. A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1973) Catalytic activity of cytochrome c in adsorption layers of different types. Reprint of All-Union Institute of Scientific Information (Russ.), No.6330-73: 1-20 (Summary in Russian J. Phys. Chem. 47: 1534).
  6. M.V.Sitkovsky, V.S.Danilov, Yu.P.Kozlov, V.K.Maso, G.P.Yampolskaja, V.N.Izmailova, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1973) Effect of hydroperoxide groups in carboxylic chains of fatty acids on the lipid-protein interaction in solution and on interface. Reports of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Russ.) 213: 646-648.
  7. A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1974) The catalytic activity of cytochrome c. I. The peroxidase reaction in solution. Russian J. Phys. Chem. 48: 197-199 (English issue, published by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK).
  8. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1975) Adsorption of cholesterol on aerosil. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 16: 268-271.
  9. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1975) Adsorption of lecithin on aerosil. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem.  (Russ.) 16: 424-427.
  10. V.S.Danilov, M.V.Sitkovsky, Yu.P.Kozlov, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1975) Adsorption and catalytic properties of cholinesterase on phospholipid monolayers of various degrees of oxidation. Biophysics (Russ.), 20: 441-444.
  11. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, O.M.Poltorak and V.I.Lygin (1976). Study of adsorption layers of lecithin and cholesterol on aerosil by IR-spectroscopy. Biofizika (Russ.) 21: 992-996.
  12. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1979) Adsorption of lipids on Anionite AN-221. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 20: 39-42.
  13. V.H.Kirsis, A.K.Aren, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1979) Catalytic and adsorption properties of acid protease from Asp. terreus. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 20: 433-438.
  14. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1979) Adsorption of lipids on solid supports and properties of the lipid monolayers. Adsorption of lecithin. Colloid J. (Russ.) 41: 211-217.
  15. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1979) Adsorption of lipids on solid supports and properties of the lipid monolayers. Adsorption of cholesterol. Colloid J. (Russ.) 41: 534-539.
  16. E.M.Ben'ko, A.L.Kamyshny, E.S.Chukhray, and O.M.Poltorak (1979) Adsorption of lipids on solid supports and properties of the lipid monolayers. Joint adsorption of lecithin and cholesterol. Colloid J. (Russ.) 41: 762-765.
  17. A.P.Suisalu, A.L.Kamyshny, V.N.Zakharov, L.A.Aslanov, and R.A.Avarmaa (1987) Low-temperature phosphorescence and ODMR study of 2,2'-bipyridine and Rh(bpy)33+. Chem. Phys. Lett. 134: 617-621.
  18. A.P.Suisalu, L.A.Aslanov, A.L.Kamyshny, V.N.Zakharov, and R.A.Avarmaa (1988) Zero-field magnetic resonances of the phosphorescent triplet state of 2,2'-bipyridine metallocomplexes. Bull. of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Physical Series) 52: 445-448 (Russ.) (English issue was published by Alterton Press, N.Y., USA).
  19. L.A.Aslanov, T.V.Galuzina, O.N.Giliarov, A.L.Kamyshny, B.N.Kulikovsky, T.L.Novoderiozhkina, V.A.Trofimov, and A.Yu.Tsivadse (1988) Structure of the reaction products of anhydrous neodymium perchlorate with phosphorous oxychloride from vibrational spectroscopy data. Russian J. Inorg. Chem. 33: 1943-1949 (Russ.) (English issue was published by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK).
  20. A.L.Kamyshny, V.N.Zakharov, L.A.Aslanov, A.P.Suisalu, and R.A.Avarmaa (1989) Low-temperature phosphorescence and zero-field ODMR of 2,2'-bipyridine and tris(2,2'-bipyridine)rhodium(III) chloride. Coordination Chem. (Russ.) 15: 548-555.
  21. A.V.Yatsenko, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, and L.A.Aslanov (1989) Crystal and molecular structure of the hydrate of tris(2,2'-bipyridine)rhodium(III) chloride. Coordination Chem. (Russ.) 15: 1114-1117.
  22. A.L.Kamyshny, V.N.Zakharov, L.A.Aslanov, A.P.Suisalu, and R.A.Avarmaa (1989) Luminescence of complexes of Sn(IY) with 2,2'-bipyridine at low temperatures. Optics and Spectroscopy 66: 46-49 (English issue, published by Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, USA).
  23. A.P.Suisalu, R.A.Avarmaa, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, and L.A.Aslanov (1989) Triplet state ODMR of organometallic complex [Rh(bpy)3]3+. In Dynamics of the triplet excitations in molecular crystals. Naukova Dumka Publ. House, Kiev, pp.121-126 (Rus.).
  24. A.P.Suisalu, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, and L.A.Aslanov (1990) Effect of the paramagnetic ion Gd(III) on the molecular triplet state of the organic ligand in complexes. Soviet Physics-JETP 71: 742-745 (English issue, published by the American Institute of Physics, N.Y., USA).
  25. V.N.Zakharov, A.V.Yatsenko, A.L.Kamyshny, and L.A.Aslanov (1991) Crystal and molecular structure of the SnCl4.Dipy and SnBr4.Dipy complexes. Coordination Chem. (Russ.) 17: 789-794.
  26. V.B.Rybakov, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, L.A.Aslanov, and A.P.Suisalu (1991) Crystal and molecular structure of the Gd(NO)3.2Phen complex. Coordination Chem. (Russ.) 17: 1061-1064.
  27. A.L.Kamyshny, V.N.Zakharov, Yu.V.Fedorov, A.E.Galashin, and L.A.Aslanov (1993) Surface-enhanced Raman scattering of 2,2'-bipyridine adsorbed on colloidal silver and stabilized AgBr sols. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 158: 171-182.
  28. A.Kamyshny, T.Reuveni, and S.Magdassi (1996) Formation and properties of horseradish peroxidase colloidal clusters. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 181: 470-475.
  29. A.Baszkin, M.M.Boissonnade, V.Rosilio, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (1997) Adsorption of hydrophobized glucose oxidase at solution/air interface. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 190: 313-317.
  30. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (1997) Hydrophobically modified human IgG: surface and biological activities. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 9: 147-155.
  31. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (1998) Chemiluminescence immunoassay in microemulsions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 11: 249-254.
  32. A.Baszkin, M.M.Boissonnade, V.Rosilio, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (1999) Penetration of glucose oxidase and of hydrophobically modified enzyme into phospholipid and cholesterol monolayers. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 209: 302-311.
  33. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and P.Relkin (1999) Chemically modified human immunoglobulin G: hydrophobicity and surface activity at air/solution interface. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 212: 74-80.
  34. A.Kamyshny, O.Toledano, and S.Magdassi (1999) Adsorption of hydrophobized IgG and gelatin onto phosphatidyl choline-coated silica. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 13: 187-194.
  35. A.Kamyshny, A.Feldman, A.Baszkin, M.M.Boissonnade, V.Rosilio, and S.Magdassi (1999) Chemically modified glucose oxidase with enhanced hydrophobicity: adsorption at polystyrene, silica, and silica coated by lipid monolayers. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 218: 300-308.
  36. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and A.V.Levashov (1999) Novel protein-based colloidal and micellar systems for bioengineering. Scientific Israel – Technological Advantages  1: 79-89.
  37. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (2000) Fluorescence immunoassay based on fluorescer microparticles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 18: 13-17.
  38. P.Relkin, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2000) Changes in calorimetric parameters and solvent accessibility of hydrophobic groups in native and chemically modified immunoglobulin G. J.  Physical Chemistry B 104: 4980-4985.
  39. A.Kamyshny, I.Ermolina, S.Magdassi, and Yu.Feldman (2000) Study of the dynamic structure of native and hydrophobized glucose oxidase by time-domain dielectric spectroscopy. J. Physical Chemistry B 104: 7588-7594.
  40. A.Baszkin, M.M.Boissonnade, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2001) Native and hydrophobically modified human immunoglobulin G at the air/water interface. Sequential and competitive adsorption. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 239: 1-9.
  41. A.Baszkin, M.M.Boissonnade, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2001) Adsorption of native and hydrophobically modified human immunoglobulin G on polystyrene solid films: Specific recognition of adsorbed layers. J. Colloid and Interface Sci. 244: 18-23.
  42. A.Kamyshny, S.Lagerge, S. Partyka, P.Relkin, and S.Magdassi (2001) Adsorption of native and hydrophobized human IgG onto silica: isotherms, calorimetry and biological activity. Langmuir 17: 8242-8248.
  43. A.Kamyshny, D.Trofimova, S.Magdassi, and A.Levashov (2002) Native and modified glucose oxidase in reversed micelles. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 24: 177-183.
  44. A.Kamyshny, D.Danino, S.Magdassi, and Y.Talmon. (2002) Cryo-TEM and dynamic light scattering studies of glucose oxidase molecules and self-aggregated nanoparticles. Langmuir 18: 3390-3391.
  45. A.E.Kharlov, S.Magdassi, A.Kamyshny, G.P.Yampolskaja, S.M.Levachev, and V.N.Izmailova (2002) The role of chemical modification in control of the surface activity of gelatin. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 43: 38-43.
  46. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, Y.Avissar, and J.Almog (2003) Water-soaked evidence: detectability of explosive traces after immersion in water. J. Forensic Sci. 48: 312-317.
  47. A.Kamyshny, P.Relkin, S.Lagerge, S. Partyka, and S.Magdassi (2003) Native and hydrophobized human IgG: Enthalpies of heat-induced structural changes and adsorption onto silica. J. Therm. Analysis Calorimetry 71: 263-272.
  48. S.Lagerge, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and S. Partyka (2003) Calorimetric methods applied to the investigation of divided systems in colloid science. J. Therm. Analysis Calorimetry 71: 291-310.
  49. V.N.Izmailova, A.Kamyshny, S.M.Levachev, S.Magdassi, A.E.Kharlov, and G.P.Yampolskaja (2002) Monolayer parameters of gelatin chemically modified with N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of caprylic acid. Colloid J. (Translated from Kolloidnyi Zhurnal, Russ.) 64: 640-642.
  50. S.Magdassi, A.Bassa, Y.Vinetsky, and A.Kamyshny (2003) Silver nanoparticles as pigments for water-based ink-jet inks. Chem. Mater. 15: 2208-2217.
  51. D.Trofimova, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and A.Levashov (2003) Effect of chemical modification on stability of glucose oxidase and formate dehydrogenase. Bull. of the Moscow State University, Ser. Chem. (Russ.) 44: 48-52.
  52. V.N.Izmailova, A.Kamyshny, S.M.Levachev, S.Magdassi, A.E.Kharlov, and G.P.Yampolskaja (2003) Rheological properties of the interfacial layers of hydrophobized gelatins. Colloid J. (Translated from Kolloidnyi Zhurnal, Russ.) 65: 784-785.
  53. S.Magdassi, M. Grouchko, D.Toker, A.Kamyshny, I.Balberg, and O.Millo (2005) Ring stain effect at room temperature in silver nanoparticles yields high electrical conductivity. Langmuir 21: 10264-10267.
  54. A.Kamyshny, M.Ben-Moshe, S.Aviezer, and S.Magdassi (2005) Ink-jet printing of metallic nanoparticles and microemulsions. Macromol. Rapid. Commun. 26: 281-288.
  55. S. Magdassi, A. Kamyshny, and M. Grouchko (2006) Making connections. Aqueous dispersions of silver nanoparticles from conductive inkjet inks. Eur. Coatings J. 11: 54, 56, 58-59.
  56. G.Nizri, S.Lagerge, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2008) Polymer-surfactant interactions: binding mechanism of sodium dodecyl sulfate to poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 320: 74-81.
  57. M.Grouchko, A.Kamyshny, K.Ben-Ami, and S.Magdassi (2009) Synthesis of copper nanoparticles catalyzed by pre-formed silver nanoparticles. J. Nanoparticle Res. 11: 713-716.
  58. M.Grouchko, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2009) Formation of air-stable copper-silver core-shell nanoparticles for ink-jet printing. J. Mater. Chem. 19: 3057-3062.
  59. S.Magdassi, M.Grouchko, and A.Kamyshny (2009) Conductive ink-jet inks for plastic electronics: air stable copper nanoparticles and room temperature sintering. NIP25, Proceedings, 611-613.
  60. M.Grouchko, I.Popov, V.Uvarov, S.Magdassi, and A.Kamyshny (2009) Coalescence of silver nanoparticles at room temperature: unusual crystal structure transformation and dendrite formation induced by self-assembly. Langmuir 25: 2521-2523.
  61. A.N.Generalova, S.V.Sizova, V.A.Oleinikov, V.P.Zubov, M.V.Artemyev, L.Spernath, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2009) Highly fluorescent ethyl cellulose nanoparticles containing embedded semiconductor nanocrystals. Colloids Surf. A 342: 59-64.
  62. S.Magdassi, M.Grouchko, O.Berezin, and A.Kamyshny (2010) Triggering the sintering of silver nanoparticles at room temperature. ACS Nano 4: 1943-1948.
  63. L.A.Aslanov, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and A.V.Yatsenko (2010) Stabilization of silicon nanoparticles by carbenes. Russ. J. Coord. Chem. 36: 330-332.
  64. K.Kravitz, A.Kamyshny, A.Gedanken, and S.Magdassi (2010) Solid state synthesis of water-dispersible silicon nanoparticles from silica nanoparticles. J. Solid State Chem. 183: 1442-1447.
  65. A.Kamyshny, V.Zakharov, M.Zakharov, A.Yatsenko, S.SAvilov, L.Aslanov, and S.Magdassi (2010) Photoluminescent silicon nanocrystals stabilized by ionic liquid. J. Nanopart. Res. 13:1971-1978 (2011).
  66. E.V.Kudryashova, V.L.Bronza, A.A.Vinogradov, A.Kamyshny, S. Magdassi, and A.V.Levashov (2011) Regulation of acid phosphatase in reverse micellar system by lipids additives: structural aspects. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 353: 490-497.
  67. N.G.Vanifatova, B.Ya.Spivakov, and A.Kamyshny (2011) Comparison of potential of capillary zone electrophoresis and Malvern's improved laser Doppler velocimetry for characterization of silica nanomaterials in aqueous media. Int. J. Nanopart. 4: 369-380.
  68. M.Grouchko, A.Kamyshny, D-F.Anghel, C.F.Mihailescu, and S.Magdassi (2011) Conductive inks with “built in” mechanism that enables sintering at room temperature. ACS Nano 5: 3354-3359.
  69. J.Perelaer, J.Robin, M.Grouchko, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and U.S.Schubert (2012) Plasma and microwave flash sintering of a tailored silver nanoparticle ink, yielding 60% bulk conductivity on cost-effective polymer foils. Adv. Mater. 24: 3993-3998.
  70. S.Magdassi, M.Grouchko, and A.Kamyshny (2012) Copper ink-jet inks for flexible and plastic electronics. NIP28, Proceedings, 561-563.
  71. C.Liu, X.Cao, A.Kamyshny, J.Y.Law, S.Magdassi and Y.Long, (2014) VO2/Si-Al gel nanocomposite thermochromic smart foils: largely enhanced luminous transmittance and solar modulation. J. Colloid Interface Sci.427: 49-53.
  72. S.Wünscher, T.Rasp, M.Grouchko, A.Kamyshny, R.M.Paulus, J.Perelaer, T.Kraft, S.Magdassi, and U.S.Schubert (2014) Simulation and prediction of the thermal sintering behavior for a silver nanoparticle ink based on experimental input. J. Mater. Chem. C 2: 6342-6352.
  73. M.Grouchko, P.Roitman, X.Zhu, I.Popov, A.Kamyshny, H.Su,
    S. Magdassi
    (2014) Merging of metal nanoparticles driven by selective wettability of silver nanostructures. Nature Commun. 5: 2994.
  74. M.Layani, P.Darmawan, W.Foo, L.Liu, A.Kamyshny, D.Mandler, S.Magdassi, P.S.Lee (2014) Nanostructures electrochromic films by inkjet printing on large area and flexible transparent silver electrodes. Nanoscale 6: 4572-4576.
  75. L.Liu, S.Yellinek, A.Kamyshny, M.Layani, H.Ling, P.S.Lee, S.Magdassi, and D.Mandler (2014) "Nano to nano" electrodeposition of WO3 crystalline nanoparticles for electrochromic coatings. J. Mater. Chem. A 6: 4572-4576.
  76. D.Patel, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2015) Fabrication of transparent conducting films composed of In3+ doped CuS and their application in flexible electroluminescent devices. J. Mater. Chem. C 3: 8700-8705.
  77. A.Pajor-Świerzy, Y.Farraj, A.Kamyshny, S. Magdassi (2017) Air stable copper-silver core-shell submicron particles: Synthesis and conductive ink formulation. Colloids Surf. A 521: 272-280.
  78. Y.Farraj, A.Smooha, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2017) Plasma-induced decomposition of copper complex ink for the formation of highly conductive copper tracks on heat sensitive substrates. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9: 8766-8773.
  79. A.Pajor-Świerzy, Y.Farraj, A.Kamyshny, S. Magdassi (2017) Effect of carboxylic acids on conductivity of metallic films formed by inks based on copper@silver core-shell particles. Colloids Surf. A 522: 320-327.
  80. L.Perrin, A.Pajor-Świerzy, S. Magdassi, A.Kamyshny, F. Ortega, and R.G. Rubio (2018) Evaporation of nanosuspensions on substrates with different hydrophobicity. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10: 3082-3093.
  81. I.Cooperstein, E.Shukrun, O.Press, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2018) Additive manufacturing of transparent silica glass from solutions. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10: 18879-18885.
  82. E.Sachiani Kenneth, A.Kamyshny, S. Magdassi (2020) 3D printing materials for soft robotics. Funct. Mater. Submitted.


Book chapters and reviews


  1. A.L.Kamyshny (1981) The adsorption of globular proteins on solid carriers: certain physicochemical characteristics. Russian J. Phys. Chem. 55: 319-330 (English issue, published by Royal Society of Chemistry, UK).
  2. A.L.Kamyshny (1982) Physical methods of enzyme immobilization. Introduction to Applied Enzymology (I.V.Berezin and K.Martinek, Eds.). Moscow State University Publ. House, Moscow, pp.62-100 (Russ.).
  3. K.B.Serebrovskaja, A.L.Kamyshny, and A.S.Erokhin (1984) Modeling of membrane organization of biocatalysts. Biocatalysis (I.V.Berezin and V.I.Kuznetsov, Eds.). Nauka Publ. House, Moscow, pp. 56-100 (Russ.).
  4. A.L.Kamyshny, A.P.Suisalu, and L.A.Aslanov (1989) ODMR spectroscopy of coordination compounds. Reprint of All-Union Institute of Scientific Information (Russ.), No.7484-B89: pp. 1-83.
  5. A.L.Kamyshny, A.P.Suisalu, and L.A.Aslanov (1992) ODMR spectroscopy of coordination compounds. Coordination Chem. Rev. 117: 1-43.
  6. S.Magdassi and A.Kamyshny (1996) Surface activity and functional properties of proteins. Surface Activity of Proteins: Chemical and Physicochemical Modifications (S.Magdassi, Ed.). Marcel Dekker, N.Y., pp. 1-38.
  7. S.Magdassi, A.Kamyshny, and A.Baszkin (2001) Interfacial properties of hydrophobically modified biomolecules: fundamental aspects and applications. J. Dispersion Sci. Technol. 22: 313-322.
  8. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (2004) Microencapsulation. Encyclopedia of Surface and Colloid Science (P.Somasundaran, Ed.). Marcel Dekker, N.Y., pp. 1-15.
  9. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (2007) Nanoparticles in confined structures: formation and application. Colloid Stability: The Role of Surface Forces, Part I (T.F.Tadros, Ed.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 207-233.
  10. K.Margulis-Goshen, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2009) Application of surfactants in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Handbook of Detergents. Part E: Applications. (U.Zoller, Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton, pp. 455-468.
  11. S.Magdassi, M. Grouchko, and A.Kamyshny (2010) Colloidal dispersion of metallic nanoparticles: formation and functional properties. Structure and Functional Properties of Colloidal Systems (R.Hidalgo-Alvarez, Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-New York, pp. 339-365.
  12. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (2010) Aqueous dispersions of metallic nanoparticles: preparation, stabilization and application. Nanoscience: Colloidal and Interfacial Aspects (V.Starov, Ed.). CRC Press, Boca Raton-London-New York, pp. 747-778.
  13. S.Magdassi, M.Grouchko, and A.Kamyshny (2010) Copper nanoparticles for printed electronics: routes towards achieving oxidation stability. Materials 3: 4626-4638.
  14. A.Kamyshny, J.Steinke, and S.Magdassi (2011) Metal-based inkjet inks for printed electronics. The Open Appl. Phys. J. 4:19-36.
  15. A.Kamyshny and S.Magdassi (2012) Inkjet ink formulations. Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing (J.Korvink, P.Smith, and D-Y.Shin, Eds.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 173-189.
  16. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2013) Inkjet printing. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 1-21.
  17. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2014) Conductive nanomaterials for printed electronics. Small 10: 3515-3535.
  18. M.Layani, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2014) Transparent conductors composed of nanomaterials. Nanoscale 6: 5581-5591.
  19. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2017) Metallic nanoinks for inkjet printing of conductive 2D and 3D structures. Nanomaterials for 2D and 3D printing (A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, Eds.). Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, pp. 119-160.
  20. I.Cooperstein, E.Sachyani-Keneth, E.Shukrun-Farrell, T.Rosental, X.Wang, A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi (2018) Hybrid materials for functional 3D printing. Adv. Mater. Interfaces 5, article no. 1800996 (1-15).
  21. A.Kamyshny, S. Magdassi (2019) Conductive nanomaterials for 2D and 3D printed    flexible electronics. Chem. Soc. Rev. 48: 1712-1740.




  1. S.R.Arakeljan, E.A.Galashin, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, L.D.Pervova, and V.P.Sarychev (1984) Electrochemical indicator device. Pat. USSR, No.1137908.
  2. S.R.Arakeljan, E.A.Galashin, V.N.Zakharov, A.L.Kamyshny, and V.P.Sarychev (1984) Electrochemical cell. Pat. USSR, No.1137909.
  3. A.Kamyshny, S.Magdassi, and S.Mishirqi (2003) Diagnostic beads for the detection of blood in animal excreta and a method for production thereof, US 2003/170905 A1.
  4. S.Magdassi, A.Kamyshny, E.Vinetsky, A.Bassa, and R.Abo-Mokh (2011) Ink-jet inks containing metal nanoparticles, US Patent 7,963,646.
  5. D. Steinberg, A.Kamyshny, and S.Magdassi (2003, 2005) Edible compositions capable of removing oral biofilm. WO 2003/059302, US 2005/0058744.
  6. A.Garbar, D.Lekhtman, F. De La Vega, S.Magdassi, A.Kamyshny, and F.Kahana (2006, 2008, 2010) Ink jet printable compositions. WO 2006/030286, US 2008/193667 A1, US 2010/0068409.
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